CLC Course Information

Course Descriptions
EDUC 613 English Bridging I from Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) –(2 units) | This course is part of a two-semester plan designed to bridge teachers trained in Descubriendo la Lectura to English. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of training in Descubriendo la Lectura at selected school districts affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. |
EDUC 614 English Bridging II from Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) – (2 units) | This course is the second part of a two-semester plan designed to bridge teachers trained in Descubriendo la Lectura to English. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of training in Descubriendo la Lectura and successful completion of EDUC 613. |
EDUC 615 Spanish Bridging to Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) from English – (2 units) | This course is part of a two-semester plan designed to bridge fluent Spanish-speaking teachers trained in English to DLL so that they can offer early intervention in reading and writing to Spanish-speaking students who will learn to read in Spanish and will have access to Spanish-speaking teachers. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of training in at selected school districts affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. |
EDUC 616 Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) from English (2 units) | This course is the second part of a two-semester plan designed to bridge Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of training at selected school districts affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 615. |
EDUC 617 Assessment (Training for Teachers) – (2 units) | This course is taught by Leaders who hold a Master’s Degree and have successfully completed 12 to 16 units of Graduate Level post-Master’s coursework at Saint Mary’s College and who are Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training in at selected school districts and agencies affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. This course is taught off campus at selected school districts by trained Leaders affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. |
EDUC 618 Procedures (3 units) | The purposes of this outcome-based course are to enable prospective teachers to: develop skill in the teaching of students identified for intervention; acquire observational expertise for determining student’s on-going literacy development; maintain and utilize records of student progress to inform instruction; demonstrate teaching students for peer observations and critique; and develop reflection of teaching through self-analysis of teaching. In addition, teachers Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training in at selected school districts and agencies affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 617. This course is taught off campus at selected school districts by trained Leaders affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. |
EDUC 619 Advanced Procedures – (3 units) | The purposes of this outcome-based course are to enable prospective teachers to: develop skill in the teaching of students identified for intervention; acquire observational expertise for determining student's ongoing literacy development; examine the effectiveness of teaching decisions made during lessons in light of known theory, clinical experiences and actual practice; engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to on-going professional growth and effective teaching; understand the theoretical base for early intervention programs; develop theoretical understandings of literacy, of the reading/writing processes, and learning in general; and examine current research using a theoretical framework. This is a continuation of the first semester of work through which several themes are being explored. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training at selected school districts and |
EDUC 720 Assessment Training for Leaders (2 units) | The purposes of this course are to enable prospective Leaders to administer, score and interpret Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Leader at Saint Mary’s College. Suitable candidates must hold a Master’s Degree and must have 3 to 5 years of successful classroom teaching experience. In addition, the candidate must have local administrative approval for enrolling in this program and must also have District Superintendent approval. This course is taught by Trainers who have been trained and certified according to the Standards and Guidelines. |
EDUC 721 Clinical Practice I for Leaders– (3 units) | The purposes of this outcome-based activity course are to enable prospective Leaders to: develop their own theoretical understandings of literacy, of the reading/writing processes, and learning in general; to compare and contrast theoretical positions regarding learning and literacy, to examine observed practice using a theoretical framework; and evaluate the utility of the theory for producing better literacy education. The seminar consists of two semesters of coursework throughout which several themes will be explored. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Leader at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 720. This course is taught by Trainers according to the Standards and Guidelines. |
EDUC 722 Theoretical Seminar – (3 Units) | The purposes of this outcome-based course are to enable prospective Leaders to: develop skill in the teaching of students identified for intervention; acquire observational expertise for determining student's ongoing literacy development; examine effectiveness of teaching decisions made during lessons in light of known theory, clinical experiences and actual practice; engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to on-going professional growth and effective teaching; understand the theoretical base for the early intervention programs; develop theoretical understandings of literacy, of the reading/writing processes, and learning in general; relate theory to work with students and with teachers; compare and contrast theoretical positions regarding learning and literacy; articulate ideas and concepts in a way that will be understandable to practicing educators; examine current research using a theoretical framework; examine observed practice using a theoretical framework; apply knowledge in settings beyond; and evaluate the utility of the theory for producing better literacy education. The seminar is a continuation of the first semester of work through which several themes are being explored. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Leader at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 720 and 721. This course is taught by Trainers who have been trained and certified as Trainers according to the Standards and Guidelines. |
EDUC 723 Clinical Practice II – (3 units) | The purposes of this outcome-based activity course are to enable prospective Leaders to: develop their own theoretical understandings of literacy, of the reading/writing processes, and learning in general; compare and contrast theoretical positions regarding learning and literacy; examine observed practice using a theoretical framework; and evaluate the utility of the theory for producing better literacy education. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Leader at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 720, 721 and 722. This course is taught by Trainers according to the Standards and Guidelines. |
EDUC 724 Supervision of Literacy Programs – (1 unit) | The purpose of this course is to study the models of professional development and clinical supervision of reading teachers. The coursework consists of field work in developing skills for administering, implementing, and evaluating a district or regional project. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Leader at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 720, 721, 722 and 723. This course is taught by Trainers who have been trained and certified as Trainers according to the Standards and Guidelines. |
EDUC 627/727 Early Literacy Small Group Instruction I (2 units) – AND EDUC 628/728 Early Literacy Small Group Instruction II – (2 units) | This is a two-part intensive course designed to train teachers and leaders in methods of instructing small groups of emergent readers and writers with techniques and activities adapted from Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Teacher or Leader, working as a trained Leader; successful completion of Saint Mary’s courses EDUC 617, 618 and 619 or EDUC 720, 721 and 722 or by special permission of the instructor. |
EDUC 634 Continuing Contact II (2 Units) | This course will focus on the continued learning applied toward the small group differentiation model. An additional focus will be on linking theory into practice. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. |
EDUC 631A Language and Literacy Instruction I – (3 units) | This course utilizes an early intervention instructional model for working with low-achieving readers and writers. It is part of a two-part yearlong course. |
EDUC 631B Language and Literacy Instruction II – (3 units) | This course utilizes an early intervention instructional model for working with low-achieving readers and writers. It is part of a two-part yearlong course. |
EDUC 633 Specialized Assessment in Early Literacy Instruction – (3 units) | The course focuses on the principles of early intervention for diagnosing literacy problems including an understanding of emergent literacy and the experiences that support it. Special attention will be placed on designing individualized and group instructional interventions targeted toward those students in greatest need or low proficiency levels, including knowledge of instructional implications of research in special education, psychology, and other fields that deal with the treatment of students with reading and learning difficulties. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Literacy Coach at Saint Mary’s College. Successful completion of EDUC 632. |
EDUC 634 Theory and Practice in Literacy – (3 units) | This course examines theories of cognitive, linguistic, cultural, and socio-historical learning and their practical implications for teaching students. An emphasis is placed on observation and responsive teaching for preventing literacy failures. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Literacy Coach at Saint Mary’s College. Successful completion of EDUC 632 and 633. |
EDUC 635 Research in Language and Literacy Acquisition – (3 units) | This course explores the contributions and latest research of linguists, sociolinguists, and psycholinguists to language and literacy acquisition; description of methods and techniques employed in literacy research; and designing and conducting a research project in literacy progression. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Literacy Coach at Saint Mary’s College. Successful completion of EDUC 632, 633 and 634. |
EDUC 637 Supervision and Organization of Reading Programs (3 units) | This course examines the implementation and coordination of programs designed to help students improve their reading and writing, including those supported by federal, state, and local funding. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Literacy Coach at Saint Mary’s College. Successful completion of EDUC 632, 633, 634, 635 and 636. |
EDUC 638 Professional Experiences – (3 units) | This course requires professional experience in a selected school district, state agency, or university sites related to the student’s long-term professional goals and requires a paper related to the experience. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training as a Literacy Coach at Saint Mary’s College. Successful completion of EDUC 632, 633, 634, 635, 636 and 637. |
EDUC 645 A and B Curriculum for Language and Literacy I and II – 2 Units; 2 Units) | The course will focus on the components of an early language and literacy program and specialized procedures for working with below-grade level students in grades preschool through ___ Special attention will be placed on: assessments in reading, writing and language acquisition; organization and delivery of an early language and literacy instructional program that utilizes the adopted core instructional materials and supplemental materials for oral language development and English language learners; development of visual processing strategies (letter and word work, analyzing spelling patterns from writing samples, analyzing visual strategies from records of oral reading); and evaluating student’s reading and writing progress across events and time. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. |
EDUC 651 Literacy Lessons Assessment – (2 units) | This course is taught by Leaders who hold a Master’s Degree and have successfully completed 12- 16 Units of Graduate Level post Master’s coursework at Saint Mary’s College, and who are employed by school districts as credentialed teachers. The purposes of this course is to enable teachers of Special Education Students or English Language Learners to: administer, score and interpret records of oral reading; administer, score and interpret other assessment tasks of early literacy acquisition; develop skill in summarizing results of early literacy assessment tasks; and acquire observational competency in determining student's strengths related to early literacy acquisition for special populations. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training at selected schools and agencies affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. This course is taught off campus at selected school districts. |
EDUC 652 Literacy Lessons Procedures – (3 units) | The purposes of this outcomes-based course is to enable teachers of Special Education Students or English Language Learners to: develop skill in the teaching of students identified for early Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training at selected schools and agencies affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. This course is taught off campus at selected school districts. Successful completion of EDUC 651. This course is taught off campus at selected school districts by trained Leaders affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. |
EDUC 653 Advanced Literacy Lessons Procedures – (3 units) | The purposes of this outcomes-based course is to enable teachers of Special Education Students or English Language Learners to: develop skill in the teaching of student identified for early intervention; acquire observational expertise for determining student's ongoing literacy development; examine effectiveness of teaching decisions made during lessons in light of known theory, clinical experiences and actual practice; engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to ongoing professional growth and effective teaching; understand the theoretical base for early intervention develop theoretical understandings of literacy , of the reading/writing processes and learning in general; and examine current research using a theoretical framework This is a continuation of the first semester of work through which several themes are being explored for special populations. Graduate level course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into training at selected school districts and other agencies affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College; successful completion of EDUC 651 and 652. This course is taught off campus at selected school districts by trained Leaders affiliated with the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College. |
Course Descriptions PDF:
Course Offerings
Fall | Spring | Total | |||
Program | Courses | Units | Courses | Units | Units |
Intervention Teachers | EDUC 617 | 2 | EDUC 619 | 3 | 8 |
EDUC 618 | 3 | ||||
Literacy Lessons Teacher *must hold Special Education or ESL certification depending on role | EDUC 651 | 2 | EDUC 653 | 3 | 8 |
EDUC 618 | 3 | ||||
Descubriendo La Lectura Teacher (Initial Training - Year 1) | EDUC 617 | 2 | EDUC 619 | 3 | 8 |
EDUC 618 | 3 | ||||
Descubriendo La Lectura Bridging (Bridging - Year 2) | EDUC 615 | 2 | EDUC 616 | 2 | 4 |
Intervention/Literacy Lessons and DLL Teacher Leader (see application for instructional fee) | EDUC 720 | 2 | EDUC 723 | 3 | 16 |
EDUC 721 | 3 | EDUC 724 | 1 | ||
EDUC 722 | 3 | EDUC 728 | 2 | ||
EDUC 727 | 2 | ||||
Intervention/Literacy Lessons Teacher Ongoing Professional Development (units are optional) | Attend OPD all year but enroll for credit in Spring | EDUC 634 | 2 | 2 | |
Early Literacy Teacher* (does not submit IDEC Data) | EDUC 625 | 2 | EDUC 641 | 3 | 2 |
EDUC 626 | 3 | ||||
Early Literacy Teacher* (does not submit to IDEC Data) Bridging to Intervention/Literacy Lessons Teacher, Year 2 | Attend OPD all year but enroll for credit in Spring | EDUC 634 | 2 | 2 | |
Early Literacy Teacher* (does not submit IDEC Data) Bridging to Early Literacy Teacher Teaching in Spanish, Year 2 | EDUC 615 | 2 | EDUC 616 | 2 | 4 |
HEROES Leader** (Individually Designed program of study) | EDUC 720 | 2 | EDUC 723 | 3 | 22 |
EDUC 721 | 3 | EDUC 724 | 1 | ||
EDUC 722 | 3 | EDUC 728 | 2 | ||
EDUC 727 | 2 | EDUC 662 | 3 | ||
EDUC 661 | 3 | ||||
HEROES Teacher** | EDUC 659 | 2 | EDUC 662 | 3 | 8 |
EDUC 661 | 3 | ||||
CIM District Coach | EDUC 733 | 3 | EDUC 737 | 3 | 8 |
EDUC 632 | |||||
CIM District Coach Prerequisite: Leader Training | EDUC 733 | 3 | EDUC 734 | 3 | 16 |
EDUC 738 | 3 | EDUC 737 | 3 | ||
EDUC 727 | 2 | EDUC 728 | 2 | ||
CLM School-Based Coach | EDUC 720 | 3 | EDUC 723 | 3 | 18 |
EDUC 722 | 2 | EDUC 728 | 2 | ||
EDUC 727 | 2 | EDUC 737 | 3 | ||
EDUC 738 | 3 | ||||
CLM School-Based Coach Prerequisite: Leader Training | EDUC 730 | 3 | EDUC 739 | 3 | 12 |
EDUC 738 | 3 | EDUC 737 | 3 | ||
CLM Teacher* Curriculum development | EDUC 632 | 1 | 1 | ||
CLM Model Classroom Teacher | EDUC 633 | 1 | EDUC 632 | 1 | 2 |
CIM Teacher | EDUC 633 | 1 | EDUC 632 | 1 | 2 |
CIM Teacher Ongoing Professional Development (units are optional) | Attend OPD all year but enroll for credit in Spring | EDUC 634 | 2 | 2 | |
Strategic Processing Intervention Coach (SPI) Prerequisite: Leader with small-group university credit course; or CIM District Coach | EDUC 741 | 3 | EDUC 731 | 3 | 12 |
EDUC 730 | 3 | EDUC 736 | 3 | ||
SPI Teacher Prerequisite: Special Education certification including an Assessment Course | TBD |
Reduced tuition rate is part of the Saint Mary's social justice initiative.
Tuition is $380 per unit. **All grants $480 per unit.
Rates subject to change in subsequent years. All courses are graduate credit (EDUC 600 and 700 series)
CLM = Comprehensive Literacy Model; CIM = Comprehensive Intervention Model
Course Offerings PDF: